This project presents official covid-19 data published by Public Health England about the pandemic in the UK.
I have prepared a series of maps and charts to show the current situation and evolution of the pandemic, including reported cases, hospital admissions and deaths. There is a focus on the regional and local distribution of indicators, to provide a more disaggregated level of detail by geography.
The plot below shows the evolution of the confirmed cases, hospital admissions and deaths, by NHS region, since September 2020. It can be observed that all three lines have similar profiles, with a certain ‘lag’ between cases and hospitalisations and then between hospitalisations and deaths. The different magnitudes of the ‘second wave’ and ‘third wave’ in each region can be seen here, as well as the different reduction paces as a result of the lockdowns.
The plot below shows the same concept, but animated.
The plot below shows the cumulative covid-19 case rate, since the start of the pandemic, and the average deprivation score for each local authority.
Higher deprivation scores indicate higher levels of deprivation within the local authority. It can be seen that there is a certain level of correlation between covid-19 cases and deprivation in most regions in England, with the exceptions of East of England and the South West.